Last Time, I PROMISE!... Kanye Performs tracks off the anticipated album

Posted on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 by The BluMile

As you can see from the colour, it is Blu writing here (no irony intended) I am going to beging by saying I apologise, i know we haven't spoken on trainers and fashion for a while, i apologise and will return with some new trainers for your taste. This is the last time music will be posted on our blog during a the week EXCLUDING "Strictly Music Sunday".

Kanye West has announced on his twitter that he is not going to call his new album "Good Ass Job", he continued to say "There are many other names bouncing about". This was announced on his Verified twitter.
However this post is about his performances at Facebook HQ, he performs three tracks off the album, "Mama's Boyfriend", "Chain Heavy" and "Sweat on my face". As you can see i am a big, big, BIG fan of yeezy and have been enjoying following all of the build up to Kanye's album.